Welcome to the INWHITE ROMANIA online store!
This is the official online shopping site of the INWHITE brand.
Please read our terms carefully before placing an order. Using this website and placing orders online signifies your acceptance of the terms and conditions set forth below. Before placing an order, if you have any questions, please contact us at the following e-mail address: [email protected]
1. Overview
1.1. These clauses are valid for commercial business conducted by: S.C. INWHITE S.R.L.
Address: Str. Dezrobirii, Nr. 118, Constanra
Nr. Inreg: J13 / 1535/2017, CUI: RO37594484
Share capital: 200 lei
Account: RO62BTRLRONCRT0396173701, Banca Banca Transilvania
Hereinafter referred to as "INWHITE" and "Customer" and / or "User" - the individual who places an order using the platform of the site www.in-white.ro or in other ways expressly mentioned in this contract and who purchases products sold by INWHITE Romania.
1.2. These are the framework in which the contractual relations between the parties take place, and the client became aware of them by reading and accepting them when launching the order or registering as a user on the site www.in-white.ro and is valid only for individuals and not legal.
1.3. All correspondence is carried by e-mail. Phones are not taken into account.
2. Definitions
2.1. The following terms will have in the meaning of this contract the meanings mentioned below:
a. SITE / DOMAIN - all information on the SITE that can be visited, viewed or otherwise accessed by using digital equipment;
b. CONTENT - the content of the site, as well as of any newsletter or e-mail sent to its USERS or CUSTOMERS by INWHITE by electronic means and / or any other available means of communication, as well as any information communicated by any means by an employee of our company to the USER or CUSTOMER, according to the contact information, specified or not by him; information related to the products, services and / or tariffs charged by INWHITE during a certain period;
c. SERVICE - the e-commerce service carried out exclusively on the publicly available portions of the SITE, in the sense of giving the CUSTOMER the possibility to contract products and / or services using electronic means, but also through other means of distance communication (eg telephone) .
d. USER - The natural or legal person of public or private law who has or obtains access to the CONTENT, by any means of communication (electronic, telephone, etc.) or based on an agreement of use between INWHITE and it;
e. ACCOUNT - the set consisting of an e-mail address and a password that allow a single USER access to restricted areas of the SITE through which access to the SERVICE is made.
f. CUSTOMER - The natural or public person who has or obtains access to the CONTENT and SERVICE, by any means (electronic, telephone, etc.) or based on an agreement of use between INWHITE and it, which benefits from the products and / or the services offered by INWHITE and purchased by it through the use of the SERVICE;
g. CONSUMER - any natural person or group of persons constituted in associations, who act for purposes outside his commercial, industrial or production activity, artisanal or liberal
h. DOCUMENT - this document entitled Terms and Conditions of sale-purchase;
i. NEWSLETTER - the means of informing periodically, exclusively electronically, about the products, services and / or promotions carried out by INWHITE during a certain period, without any commitment on the part of INWHITE with reference to the information contained therein;
j. TRANSACTION - collection or reimbursement of an amount resulting from the sale of a product / service by INWHITE to the Customer regardless of the delivery method;
k. DISTANCE CONTRACT - the contract for the supply of products or services concluded between INWHITE and a customer, an individual, within the sales system organized by INWHITE, who uses exclusively, before and at the conclusion of this contract, one or more communication techniques Remote.
3. Subject of the contract
3.1. The object of the contract concerns the sale of INWHITE products, according to its commercial offer between individuals and the company INWHITE SRL.
3.2. These commercial clauses are applicable to all operations of sale / purchase of goods concluded at a distance and carried out through the methods mentioned in this Document between individuals and our company.
3.3. This Document sets out the terms and conditions of use of the site / content / service by the user or customer, if he has not concluded with INWHITE another separate contract, which will apply with priority.
3.4. At the time of registration, each User has the obligation to read these clauses. Only persons who expressly consent to this may acquire the status of INWHITE Users and / or Clients.
4. General conditions of use of the site / service
4.1. The access to the SERVICE is made exclusively by accessing the public site www.in-white.ro
4.2. The use, including but not limited to accessing, visiting and viewing the content / service, implies the adherence of the user or the client to these clauses, unless the respective content does not have distinctly formulated conditions of use.
4.3. By using the site / content / service, the User or the Client is solely responsible for all activities arising from this activity. He is also liable for any material or other damages caused to the site, content, service, INWHITE or any third party with whom INWHITE has concluded contracts, in accordance with the Romanian legislation in force.
4.4. If the User or the Client does not agree and / or does not accept and / or revokes his / her acceptance for the document:
4.4.1. It waives: access to the service, other services offered by INWHITE through the site, receipt of newsletters and / or communications from INWHITE of any kind (electronic, telephone, etc.), without any further guarantee from INWHITE.
4.4.2. INWHITE will delete all data relating to it from its database, without any subsequent obligation of one party to the other or without any party being able to claim damages from the other.
4.5. The Client / User may at any time reconsider his decision to agree and / or accept the document, in the form in which it will be available at that time.
4.6. In order to exercise the right provided in art. 4.4 and / or 4.5, he may contact INWHITE, or use the links in the content received from INWHITE intended for this purpose.
4.7. The Client may not revoke the agreement expressed in favor of the document during the performance of a Contract, or until such time as he will not pay the value of all Contracts not honored against INWHITE.
4.8. If the Customer has paid the value of all Contracts not honored against INWHITE and revokes the agreement expressed in favor of the document during the execution of an Order, INWHITE will cancel its order without any subsequent obligation of any party to the other or without any party being able to to claim damages from the other.
4.9. INWHITE reserves the right to modify or discontinue, temporarily or permanently, in whole or in part, the services provided through this Site, with or without prior notice.
4.10. INWHITE is not liable to users or to any third party natural or legal person or institution for the modification, suspension or interruption of the services available through the Site.
4.11. INWHITE may change the content and conditions of use of the Site at any time. The new conditions become valid when they have been made public by registering on this Site and are not retroactive.
4.12. INWHITE reserves the right to make any changes to these provisions, as well as any changes to the site / its structure / services offered, including changes that may affect the site and / or any part of the site content without notice. prior notice of users.
4.13. INWHITE reserves the right to introduce advertising materials of any kind and / or links on any page of the Site, in compliance with the legislation in force.
5. The content
5.1. The informative / imagistic content presented on the INWHITE website is the intellectual property of INWHITE SRL
5.2. Customer / User is not permitted to copy, transfer, modify and / or otherwise alter, use, link to, display, include any content in any context other than the original intended by INWHITE, use the content or any part thereof outside the site. of INWHITE, the removal of the signs that signify the copyright of INWHITE over the content as well as the participation in the transfer, sale, distribution of materials made by reproducing, modifying or displaying the content, except with the express consent of INWHITE.
5.3. Any content to which the User or the Customer has and / or obtains access by any means, is subject to this Document, if the content is not accompanied by a specific and valid use agreement concluded between INWHITE and it, and without any implied or implied warranty of INWHITE with respect to such content.
5.4. The Customer / User may copy, transfer and / or use the Content only for personal or non-commercial purposes, only if it does not conflict with other provisions of the document.
5.5. If INWHITE grants the Customer / User the right to use in the form described in a separate user agreement, certain content, to which the User has or obtains access as a result of this agreement, this right extends only to that party or parties. of the content defined in the agreement, only during its existence or these contents on the site or of the period defined in the agreement, according to the conditions defined in the agreement, if they exist, and does not represent a contractual commitment from INWHITE for the respective User, Client or any other third party who has / obtains access to this transferred content, by any means and who may be or is harmed in any way as a result of this content, during or after the expiration of the user agreement.
5.6. No content transmitted to the User or Customer, by any means of communication (electronic, telephone, etc.) or acquired by him by accessing, visiting and / or viewing constitutes a contractual obligation on the part of INWHITE and / or an employee of INWHITE who mediated the transfer of content, if any, to that content.
5.7. Any use of the content for purposes other than those expressly permitted by the document or the accompanying User Agreement, if any, is prohibited.
6. Contacts
6.1. INWHITE SRL publishes on the site the complete and correct identification and contact data of its Client or User.
6.2. By using the contact form or the service present on the site, the User or the Client allows INWHITE to contact him by any available means, including electronic means.
6.3. The partial or complete completion of the contact form and its sending does not represent in any way a commitment on the part of INWHITE to contact the User or the Client.
6.4. Accessing the site, using the information presented in it, visiting the pages or sending e-mails or notifications to INWHITE is done electronically, by telephone, or any other means of communication available to the User or Customer and INWHITE, the User / Customer thus agreeing to receive notifications from INWHITE electronically and / or by telephone, including communications by e-mail or through announcements on the site.
7. Online sales policy
7.1. In order to be allowed access to the service, the User will have to accept the provisions of the document.
7.2. Access to the service is allowed to any User.
7.3. The user is fully responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of the password associated with accessing his account.
7.4. Each User will notify INWHITE of any unauthorized use of the password and its registration. INWHITE SRL will not be liable for any moral or material damage caused by non-compliance with this provision by Users. In the event that the use of a User's account by other persons is found, INWHITE reserves the right to suspend or terminate that account and to refuse all current or future attempts to use the Database.
7.5. INWHITE reserves the right to limit the User's / Client's access to the service, depending on his / her behavior towards INWHITE, as well as in situations where the User uses inappropriate language on the site or in communications with INWHITE or causes material or image damage. or his partners.
7.6. It is forbidden to share an account between several clients. In the event that such a fact is discovered, INWHITE reserves the right to cancel or suspend the customer's access to the content or service. Also, in this situation the client / clients who use a single account together will no longer be able to benefit from the special offers of INWHITE.
7.7. If a customer has placed an order that he has not picked up or canceled, INWHITE reserves the right to block that customer's account with prior notice.
8. Marketed products
8.1. The products sold through the site www.in-white.ro are new products, in INWHITE packaging and at the time of delivery are accompanied by the fiscal invoice, according to the legislation in force. The products and services are offered in compliance with the provisions of this document and within the available stock.
8.2. The prices of the products presented include VAT and do NOT include delivery costs. Delivery costs vary depending on the payment method and / or location of delivery.
8.3. The purchase price printed on the invoice will be the same as the one found on the site and established by the INWHITE customer advisor when confirming the order as a firm order.
8.4. INWHITE makes no warranties, other than those provided by applicable law, with respect to, but not limited to, the operation of this site, the information, the correctness of the descriptions, the updating of the content, the products on the site and their suitability for a particular purpose. Users expressly agree that the use of this site and the purchase of products or services is at their own risk, the only derogation being the obligation of INWHITE to grant users the right to unilaterally terminate the contract according to applicable law, as detailed in this document.
8.5. The images published on the site are for example, and the products must not coincide with those in the images presented in any way (color, accessories, appearance, finish, etc.).
9. Validity of prices and special / promotional offers
9.1. INWHITE reserves the right to change the rates charged for the products and / or services available on the site without prior notice to the User or Customer. If the order has already been issued, the purchase price of the products or services can only be changed with the agreement of both parties.
9.2. The purchase price of the products and services is the one from the moment of issuing the order, within the available stock.
9.3. The purchase price of the promotional products and services is the one from the moment of issuing the order, within the limit of the available stock and / or of the promotional period, in case this is defined.
9.4. Promotions displayed on the site (price reductions, stock clearances, etc.) apply exclusively online.
9.5. The purchase price of the products and / or services from an honored contract cannot be changed.
9.6. The customer can give up the products and services purchased by order, only in the period between the issuance of the order and its transformation into a contract, only if the payment method chosen by him is refundable.
9.7. The customer may renounce the products and / or services purchased under the contract, in accordance with the provisions of the legislation in force.
10. Online order
10.1. The customer can place orders for products sold at any time exclusively on the site.
10.2. By completing the order, the Customer agrees that all the data provided by him, necessary for the purchase process, are correct, complete and true at the date of placing the order, named in this document and the order issued.
10.3. By completing the order, the Customer agrees that INWHITE may contact him, for the following purposes / situations, by any means available / agreed by INWHITE, depending on the purpose / situation:
10.3.1. Validation of the availability of the products and of the quantities purchased by the Client, within 3 working days;
10.3.2. Establishing by mutual agreement the delivery details of the products, in writing;
10.3.3. Informing the Client about the stage of delivery of the products, the payment conditions, as well as about any problems that may arise during the development of the contractual relations carried out on the basis of the respective order.
10.4. INWHITE may automatically terminate the order placed by the Customer, without any subsequent obligation of any party to the other or without any party being able to claim damages from the other party, in the following cases:
10.4.1. The data provided by the Customer, on the site or in the order, are incomplete or incorrect;
10.4.2. The Client's activity on the site may and / or may cause damage of any kind to INWHITE and / or its partners.
10.5. From the moment the Customer validates the value of the order placed or when INWHITE informs the Customer about his validated order, his order becomes a Remote Contract, thus applying the definitions contained in O.U.G. 34/2014, named in this document Contract, to which are attached, but not limited to, these Terms and Conditions.
10.6. In case a Client modifies his personal data, using the forms available on the site, all the ongoing contracts existing at that moment, keep his data defined / accepted by the Client before the moment of modification.
10.7. The schedule for taking orders is from Monday to Friday between 09:00 - 17:00, the delivery will be made from Monday to Friday between 09:00 - 17:00 by courier.
10.8 If you have a problem with the order and it cannot be solved by e-mail or you want more details or clarifications related to different situations, you can send an e-mail to [email protected] or by calling the telephone number: 0725170089, de Monday to Friday from 09:00 to 17:00.
11. Payment for products
11.0. Payment can be made online by bank card (International shipments) or refund (cash) upon delivery of the package by the courier (shipments only within Romania).
11.1. Payment for products ordered from the site www.in-white.ro according to these "Terms and Conditions" can be made in advance or upon delivery of the products.
The ordered products must be paid in full, otherwise the delivery will not be made.
11.2. Advance payment can be made by payment order; proof of payment must be sent to us at the e-mail address: [email protected]. Delivery will be made only after the money has entered the INWHITE account.
12. Delivery
12.1. The delivery process will be started same day after confirmation of order with the client. Delivery time is depending of a third party courier company, but should not exceed 5 working days. During the promotional campaigns, the delivery time is a maximum of 7 working days.
12.2. INWHITE reserves the right to ask Customers to confirm the order issued prior to its fulfillment by contacting customers in the case of customers on the first order placed to INWHITE.
12.3. The costs of courier delivery of the order are borne by INWHITE only if the amount of a single order is at least 150 EUR. INWHITE reserves the right to deliver orders within 5 working days from the date of issue.
12.4. If the client is not found at the mentioned address, within the agreed time interval, the courier will return once more after he manages to contact the client. If the customer is not found at the delivery address on the second delivery attempt, the order will be canceled and the product returned to INWHITE, the customer will bear the costs of a new delivery, regardless of the value of the ordered products. The delivery address of the product will be confirmed together with the INWHITE customer advisor, only in writing by e-mail or WhatsApp.
12.5. The receipt of the products represents the client's acceptance that the products have arrived in perfect condition and is a signature on the legal documents. The invoice is the proof of concluding the sale-purchase contract, according to the Romanian legislation in force. The customer expressly agrees to sign the invoice regarding the fact that he has received the product (s) that is (are) in accordance with the order and its needs.
12.6 For orders received after 15:00, they will be processed and shipped the next day. Orders received on Weekend will be processed next week, Monday.
12.7. INWHITE reserves the right to delay or cancel deliveries of ordered products if they cannot be honored for reasons beyond INWHITE's control including: fires, explosions, floods, epidemics, strikes, government actions, wars, acts of terrorism, protests, riots, civil disturbances or other impediments of force majeure according to the customs of the Romanian law.
13. Return of products and return of value of products
13.1. If you are dissatisfied with the product received, INWHITE allows you to return it within 14 days of receipt of the product, subject to the return conditions.
13.2. In case of returning the product, the customer can choose to return the money (only for online purchases) or order another product, with payment or refund if the price of the products differs. Returns can only be made by FAST courier.
Romanian legislation in the field provides:
,, The consumer, the natural person, has the right to unilaterally terminate the distance contract, within 14 days, without penalties and without invoking any reason. The only costs that can be borne by the consumer are the direct costs of returning the products "(conf. O.G. 130/2000 art. 2 letter e, O.U.G 34/2014)).
"Customers" or "consumers" are only INDIVIDUALS. Clients with legal personality do not have the right to unilaterally terminate the contract, the legislation in the field referring only to individuals.
Careful! We do not receive returned packages with cash on delivery or product refund. These will be refused and you will bear the round trip fees.
Note: We reserve the right not to honor orders placed by persons who have made more than 4 returns in the last 12 months of the current year.
The customized products at the client's request are exempted from the right of return / withdrawal provided in art. 9-15 of GEO 34/2014, regarding distance contracts and off-premises contracts.
The returned product must be in the same condition in which it was delivered, not to be used, not to show signs of wear, impact or dirt, to contain all the accessories related to the product, to be in the original packaging, accompanied by the warranty certificate (in the case of the shoe), the invoice and the receipt from the courier (in original or copy). Traces of wear are considered to be traces of makeup, foundation, lipstick or other substances that need washing to be removed.
If the return conditions are not observed, we will not accept the replacement / exchange of the product with another product nor the return of the money.
13.2. Any return must be preceded by a notice of intent to return. This notification is made to the email address [email protected], as specified in the Terms and Conditions. The return can only be made by courier.
13.3. The return must be accompanied by the following documents: invoice (original or copy); courier receipt (original or copy); written request specifying the following aspects:
1. name of the applicant
2. contact phone
3. the reason for the return (change of product or return of money). When changing / replacing the product, specify the desired product instead of the returned one
4. the address to which the product / products will be returned in case of exchange / replacement of the product
5. the bank account for the refund of the value of the product / products in case of refund; the refund is made within 14 days from the date of approval of the return
13.4. Replacing the product with another product
If you want to change the size / color of the ordered product, or replace the product with another product, send the product / products you want to change by courier to the return address below, along with the documents specified above, after you have previously notified by email. The return of the requested product in exchange is made by courier to the address specified in the written request.
The shipping costs related to sending your return (exchange) to us, as well as sending the product sent by us as an exchange to you are borne by you.
If you do not comply with the return conditions, also specified in the Terms and Conditions, we will not accept your return.
Product return address is:
I.C. Boulevard Bratianu, Nr. 26, city Constanta, county Constanta,
Phone/WhatsApp +40725170089
For notifications of return intention contact us at: [email protected], and any other questions contact us at: [email protected]
14. Newsletter
14.1. Subscription and unsubscription to the newsletter / newsletter of the site www.in-white.ro is free and voluntary, and implies acceptance of the following terms of use.
14.2. The messages sent are not unsolicited and comply with the regulations regarding Electronic Commerce regarding the commercial communication, as they are established by the Romanian and international legislation.
14.3. The receipt of the newsletter / newsletter implies the completion of a form by the User or the Client and the unconditional acceptance of the document, in case he has not already expressed this agreement. The User may also agree to receive the newsletter at the time of opening a User account.
14.4. The data taken from the User or Client for the purpose of sending the newsletter may be used by INWHITE within the limits of the Privacy Policy.
14.5. The waiver of the receipt of the newsletter by the User or Client can be done at any time as follows:
14.5.1. Using the special link in any newsletter received;
14.5.2. By changing your acceptance to receive the newsletter and using pages from restricted areas, by using your account;
14.5.3. By contacting INWHITE, in accordance with the contact information, and without any subsequent obligation of one party to the other or without any party being able to claim damages from the other.
14.6. Waiver of receipt of the newsletter does not imply waiver of acceptance of this document.
14.7. INWHITE reserves the right to select the persons to whom it will send the newsletter and the right to remove from its database any User or Customer who has previously expressed his consent to receive the newsletter, without any subsequent commitment from INWHITE or any prior notification thereof.
14.8. INWHITE will not include in its newsletters sent to the User or the Client any other kind of advertising material in the form of content that refers to a third party that is not a partner of INWHITE, at the time of sending the newsletter.
14.9. The use of the newsletter is made under the same conditions of limitation of liability from the point of view of the content as the use of the site is authorized, under the conditions provided by this document. INWHITE holds all rights to the content of the newsletter sent to subscribers under the same conditions as those applicable to the information published on the site, in accordance with the provisions of this document.
14.10. INWHITE newsletter subscribers may resend these commercial communications to others only at their own risk and provided that they have not altered the structure or content of those messages. People who have received commercial messages from INWHITE newsletter subscribers are deemed to have been informed in advance by subscribers of the provisions of this article. In this context, INWHITE cannot be held liable in any way for the actions of its subscribers.
14.11. INWHITE reserves the right to restrict the access of any subscriber to the newsletter, if it has any reason to believe that the subscriber does not comply with the provisions of this document.
15. Limitation of liability
15.1. The persons who use the site expressly and implicitly accept that they agree that the use of the site is at their own risk. INWHITE expressly disclaims all liability of any kind, expressed directly or indirectly, with respect to the use of the site.
15.2. INWHITE cannot be held responsible for any damage (direct, indirect, accidental or not, etc.) resulting from the use or inability to use the information of the content type presented or not on the site or for any type of errors or omissions. in presenting content that can lead to any kind of loss.
15.3. INWHITE does not offer any guarantee to the Users that the information contained in the site will meet all the requirements of the Users, that the IT services on which the operation of the site is based will be uninterrupted, timely, safe or error-free. meets all the requirements of the Users, any program error will be corrected, as well as any other similar aspects.
15.4. INWHITE does not guarantee the user or customer access to the site or the service and does not grant the right to download or modify the content in part and / or in whole, to reproduce in part or in full the content, to copy, or to exploit any content in any other way, or to transfer to any third party any content on which it has and / or has gained access, based on an agreement of use, without the prior written consent of INWHITE.
15.5. INWHITE is not responsible for the content, quality or nature of other sites accessed through content links, regardless of the nature of those links. For those sites, the responsibility lies entirely with their owners.
15.6. INWHITE is exempt from any liability for the use of the sites and / or the content transmitted to the User or Customer by any means (electronic, telephone, etc.), through the sites, e-mail or an employee of INWHITE when this use of the Content may or may not cause any harm on the part of the User, Customer and / or any third party involved in this transfer of Content.
15.7. Except for the legal warranty obligation, INWHITE does not offer any direct or indirect guarantees such as:
15.7.1. the service / product will be according to the client's requirements;
15.7.2. the service / product will be uninterrupted, safe or error free of any kind;
15.7.3. the products / services obtained free of charge or for a fee through the service will correspond to the customer's requirements or expectations.
15.8. The operators, administrators and / or owners of the site are in no way responsible for their relationships or consequences resulting from, but not limited to, acquisitions, special offers, promotions, promotions, or any other type of relationship / connection / transaction. / collaboration / etc. which may occur between the customer or user and any of those who promote themselves directly or indirectly through the site.
15.9. The user is the only person responsible for any damage caused to the computer systems or network from which he accesses the site or for any other data loss that could be the result of downloading information and services from the content of the site.
15.10. INWHITE makes constant efforts to ensure the proper functioning and maximum security of this Site. However, INWHITE does not assume any obligation and does not guarantee in any way that this site is permanently operational and free of any functional defects.
15.11. For the sections of the site that may contain posts by Users, the responsibility for the content of these posts rests entirely with their authors. INWHITE reserves the right not to make public those posts that contravene the terms and conditions of use or that it considers harmful, in any form, to its own image, customers, partners or third parties.
15.12. INWHITE does not guarantee in any way that the documents, files or any other data packets that are contained or linked to this site do not contain viruses and will not be liable for any current or future damage caused by or through this site. Consequently, for its protection, any User of this site must use an antivirus program when using the site.
15.13. INWHITE does not undertake to update the information and materials on the Site with a certain frequency / periodicity. The information is subject to change at any time and without notice and may be incorporated into subsequent changes to the Site, which may be made in accordance with the possibilities of INWHITE.
15.14. INWHITE will not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, incidental or consequential damages, including, but not limited to, damages for loss of profits, goodwill, data usage or other intangible or immeasurable losses (even if INWHITE was previously informed of the possibility of such losses), resulting from:
i. the use or impossibility of using the information published on the Site;
ii. unauthorized access to, or damage to, the User's transmissions or data;
iii. statements or actions of any third party on the services of the Site and / or the Content;
iv. any other issue related to the content of the Site.
16. Privacy Policy
16.1. INWHITE guarantees the security and confidentiality of the data hosted and transmitted through its computer system. This information may be used by INWHITE to send the user the order confirmation, various special offers, promotions, etc. only with the prior consent of the client. The provision of personal data to INWHITE does not imply an obligation on the part of users and they may refuse to provide such data in any circumstances and may request their deletion from the database free of charge. Any such request / notification in order to delete them from the database, will be given, signed and sent by the person registered in the database by e-mail to [email protected]
16.2. The information provided to INWHITE is used only for the purpose for which it was entered (placing orders, sending messages to OFG staff, subscribing to the newsletter, etc.), according to the laws in force. INWHITE does not provide your e-mail address to third parties, does not encourage spam, and does not disclose data provided by its customers without their explicit consent.
16.3. INWHITE certifies that it will respect the rights conferred by Law no. 677/2001 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data, of Law no. 365/2002 on electronic commerce, as well as Ordinance no. 130/2000, O.U.G 34/2014 with the modifications brought by L 157/2015, regarding the protection of the clients at the conclusion and execution of the distance contracts with the subsequent modifications. These rights include (the list is not limited): the right to ask INWHITE to confirm the processing or non-processing of your personal data, free of charge;
The right to request INWHITE to rectify, update, block or delete, free of charge, those data provided whose processing is not in accordance with the provisions of Law no. 677/2001; the right to request INWHITE to stop, free of charge, the processing of your personal data; the right to request INWHITE to stop sending promotional messages.
Any such request / notification will be dated, signed and sent by the person registered in the database by e-mail to [email protected].
16.4. INWHITE cannot be held responsible for errors caused by the user's negligence regarding the security and confidentiality of his account and password.
16.5. INWHITE does not request from its Customers or Users by any means of communication (e-mail / telephone / SMS / etc) information regarding confidential data (except for the data requested at the time of opening the user account, insofar as this data could be considered confidential), bank accounts / cards or personal passwords.
16.6. The Customer / User assumes full responsibility for disclosing his confidential data to a third party.
16.7. INWHITE disclaims any responsibility, in the event that a User / Customer is / is harmed in any form by a third party who claims to be / represents the interests of INWHITE. The Customer or the User will inform INWHITE of such attempts, using the contact details.
16.8. INWHITE does not promote SPAM. Any user / client who has explicitly provided their email address on the site may choose to delete it. Communications made by INWHITE by electronic means of distance communication (i.e. e-mail) contain the complete and compliant identification data of the sender or links to them, at the date of transmission of the content.
16.9. INWHITE does not guarantee in any way the security and / or confidentiality of any information transmitted by any means of electronic communications to the Site or to the e-mail addresses of the operator / administrator of the Site, but only that INWHITE will not make such data public. .
16.10. INWHITE undertakes not to make public the e-mail addresses of Users and not to disclose them to third parties, unless this is necessary in order to comply with the law and / or legal proceedings.
16.11. INWHITE is not responsible for attacks aimed at theft or vandalism that could lead to the disclosure or compromise of data.
17. Force majeure and fortuitous event
17.1. Except as expressly provided otherwise, neither party to a concluded contract, which is still in progress, shall be liable for the failure to perform on time and / or properly, in whole or in part, any of its obligations. it is incumbent on the contract, if the non-performance of the respective obligation was caused by a force majeure event.
17.2. The party or the legal representative of the party invoking the above-mentioned event is obliged to inform the other, immediately and completely, of its occurrence and to take any measures available to it in order to limit the consequences of that event.
17.3. The party or legal representative of the party invoking the above-mentioned event is exempt from this obligation only if the event prevents it from carrying it out.
17.4. If within 15 days from the date of its occurrence the event does not cease, each party shall have the right to notify the other party of the full termination of the contract without any of them being able to claim damages from the other.
17.5. The party invoking the force majeure event must prove the impossibility of executing the obligations within 30 days from the date of the event but within the limits of art. 17.3.
18. Applicable law. Litigation.
18.1. By using / visiting / viewing / etc the site and / or any content sent by INWHITE to the User / Customer by accessing and / or sending by any means (electronic, telephone, etc.), he agrees at least with the present "Terms and conditions of use". INWHITE is not liable for any loss, costs, lawsuits, claims, expenses or other liabilities, if they are directly caused by non-compliance with the Terms and Conditions.
18.2. This document will be interpreted in accordance with Romanian law.
18.3. These conditions constitute the only probative legal instrument for the settlement of any disputes between the parties amicably or, in case of misunderstanding, by legal action for damages addressed to the competent court.
18.4. Any dispute regarding these "Terms and Conditions" or the performance of any contractual obligations that may arise between the User / Customer and INWHITE will be settled amicably.
18.5. If amicable settlement is not possible, the dispute will be resolved in the competent court at INWHITE headquarters, in accordance with the Romanian laws in force.
18.6. If any provision of these Terms is or becomes void, the other provisions remain in effect. Any null provision will be replaced by a similar provision in the sense and purpose of the above.
19. Links to other sites
19.1. INWHITE or third parties may provide authorized, through the site, links to other existing pages or resources on the Internet. The Site may contain advertisements and / or links to third party pages, including partners, advertising providers or the like.
19.2. INWHITE assumes no responsibility for the terms of use, content, materials, products and services included in any of these sites or to which I may refer in any way to these sites. Accessing these sites is at the sole risk of those who access them.
19.3. INWHITE will not be liable or liable for any direct or indirect damages for any damage or loss caused or alleged to have been caused by or in connection with the use or reliance on the information, content, goods or services provided by the site. those.
19.4. It is forbidden to create links between this Site and other sites or vice versa, without the prior written consent of INWHITE.
19.5. In situations where this happens without the express written consent of INWHITE, it does not assume responsibility for unaffiliated sites with which the site may be linked, for materials posted on this site by persons other than those authorized by INWHITE. and reserves the right to request the sanctioning in accordance with the legislation in force of any such action that does not have its prior consent.
20. Final provisions
20.1. INWHITE reserves the right to make any changes to these provisions, as well as any changes to its site / structure / service, including changes that may affect the site and / or any content without prior notice to the User or Customer.
20.2. INWHITE cannot be held responsible for any errors on the site for any reason, including changes, settings, etc., which are not made by the site administrator.
20.3. INWHITE reserves the right to introduce advertising materials of any kind and / or links on any page of the site, in compliance with the legislation in force. Exceptions are the pages in which the partner companies or their offers are presented and where banners of a competitive nature will not be introduced.
20.4. Any other problem caused by the products and services presented on www.in-white.ro and which is not already addressed by any article in this document, will be resolved amicably within 30 working days from the date of written notification. of problems by the user.
20.5. When an order is canceled or not picked up, the User's account will be blocked and he will no longer have access to orders. If the dispute has not been settled amicably, the Romanian courts or an alternative dispute resolution body, agreed by both parties, shall have jurisdiction. Also on a returned order the coupons related to that order are no longer sent.
20.6. By agreeing to these Terms and Conditions of use of the site www.in-white.ro, the client fully assumes the consequences arising from the use of the site in these conditions.